"Having worked in fisheries research around the world for over 30 years it was important to obtain my degree from a world renowned university. The NRESS program ideally suited my needs and challenged me to be a better researcher; it offers access to world class staff, facilities, and support networks, and is sufficiently flexible that I could remain fully employed while studying part time. The NRESS program has significantly broadened my knowledge and extended my research into new and exciting directions."
Stephen Eayrs, NRESS '16G
We appreciate your support of the NRESS program--thank you!
Alumni | Connect | Position / Employer |
Affleck, Rosa '17G | Research Civil Engineer US Army, Hanover, NH | |
Alego, Timothy '14G |
Environmental Coordinator/Wildlife Biologist at USDA, APHIS, Wildlife Services National Rabies Management Program, Concord, NH |
Alvarado-Barrientos, M. Susana '13G |
Anderson, Jeanne '06G | Research Scientist | |
Andrews, Sarah '14G |
Research Associate,Center for STEM Learning, University of Colorado, Boulder
Anthony, Mark '19G | Postdoctoral Researcher, Crowther Lab at ETH Zürich, Switzerland | |
Atwood, Lesley '17G |
Postdoctoral Scholar, Science of Nature & People Partnership (SNAPP) and the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCAES) |
Aviado, Kimberly '17G |
Toxicologist IV, Biomonitoring Lab Supervisor, New Hampshire Public Health Laboratories |
Ballestero, Heather "13G | Associate Environmental Scientist, Industrial Economics, Portsmouth, NH | |
Barr, Garrett '07G | Associate Professor of Biology & Environmental Science, King's College, Wilkes-Barre, PA | |
Bautista, Gabriel Fabian '03G |
Catholic Priest, Docente ética del desarrollo sostenible en Universidad Católica, Argentina |
Bhatt, Maya '05G | ||
Bowley, Evilene Lopes '05G |
Environmental Health and Safety Officer, Radiation Safety Section, University of Illinois at Chicago |
Brennan, Mark '05G | Systems Engineering Manager, BAE Systems | |
Brereton, Richard '17G | Project Manager and Water Resource Scientist, FB Environmental Associates | |
Brushett, Lynda '04G | Senior Partner, Cooperative Business Development Specialist, Cooperative Development Institute Principal, Community and Economic Development at Niche Marketing |
Burakowski, Elizabeth '13G | Research Assistant Professor, Earth Systems Research Center, UNH | |
Burke, Sophia '20G | Adjunct Faculty, Department of Earth Sciences, UNH | |
Cai, Xuyi '08G | ||
Carduso, Manoel '04G | ||
Carlson, Cynthia '11G | Associate Professor, Civil Engineering, Merrimack College | |
Carlson, Martha '13G |
Owner, Range View Research |
Carroll, Rory '19G | Assistant Professor of Biology and Program Coordinator/Wildlife and Conservation degree option, Southern Arkansas University | |
Cassotto, Ryan '17G | Postdoctoral Research Associate, Cooperative Institute for Research Environmental Sciences (CIRES), University of Colorado | |
Cawthern, Thomas '13G | Associate Professor, Geography and Geosciences, Salisbury University | |
Chen, Jianjun '07G | Air Resources Engineer, California Air Resources Board | |
Claesson, Stefan '08G | Owner, Nearview, LLC, an aerial drone survey company specializing in mapping of natural and cultural resources | |
Clausen, Jay '15G | Physical Research Scientist, US Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research and Development Center, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL), Hanover, NH | |
Colter, Robert '19G |
National Soils Program Leader, Forest and Rangeland Management and Vegetation Ecology, USDA Forest Service |
Contosta, Alexandra '11G | Research Scientist, Earth Systems Research Center, UNH | |
Coon, John '12G |
Attorney and Natural Resources/Environmental Consultant, The Law Offices of John R Coon, JD |
Corr, Chelsea '14G |
Research Scientist I, UV-B Monitoring and Research Program, Fort Collins, CO |
Coster, Stephanie '13G |
Assistant Professor of Biology at Randolph-Macon College, Ashland, VA
Cournane, Jamie Marie '10G | Fishery Analyst for Groundfish (lead), New England Management Fishery Council, Newburyport, MA | |
Cox, Dorn '15G | Executive Director, Green Start and a farmer working the 250-acre family farm in Lee, NH | |
D'Ambrosia, Abigail '18G | Assistant Professor of Biology, Southern Arkansas University | |
Davis, Shannon '11G | Guest Investigator, Physical Oceanography, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution | |
DeLauer, Verna '09G | Assistant Professor, Franklin Pierce University, Rindge, NH Research Scientist, Clark University, Worcester, MA |
Eayrs, Stephen '16G |
Director at Smart Fishing Consulting, Brisbane, Australia |
Eberhardt, Alyson '19G | Coastal Ecosystems State Specialist, UNH Cooperative Extension | |
Espirito-Santo, Fernando '11G | ||
Evans, Alexandra '21G | Postdoctoral Investigator, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution & USGS, Falmouth, MA | |
Feeney, Rachel '15G | Social Impact Analyst, New England Fishery Management Council, Newburyport, MA | |
Fenwick, Maria Adele '21G | ||
Figueroa-Nieves, Debora '14G | ||
Fisk, Justin '15G | ||
Fleeger, William, '07G | Visiting Senior Scholar, Environmental Policy and Sustainability, Linfield College, Mcminnville, Oregon | |
Frappier, Amy '06G | Associate Professor, Geosciences, Skidmore College | |
Frappier, Brian '06G | ||
Fraser, Olivia (Bartlett) '19G | GIS Specialist, White Mountain National Forest, USDA Forest Service | |
French, Charles '08G | Department Head, Community & Economic Development, UNH Cooperative Extension | |
Friedman, Mary '10G | Program Coordinator, Community and Environmental Planning, Principal Lecturer, Natural Resources and the Environment, UNH | |
Gaeckle, Jeffrey '06G | Seagrass Ecologist , Washington State Department of Natural Resources | |
Garner, Yvette '13G |
Instructor, Biology, West Chester Universirty, West Chester, PA |
Goodwin, Deborah '11G | Associate Professor of Oceanography, Sea Education Association (SEA), Woods Hole, Massachusetts and Naturalist with Lindblad Expeditions/National Geographic | |
Grogan, Danielle '16G | Research Scientist, Earth Systems Research Center, UNH | |
Gutierrez-Lopez, Jose '19G | Postdoctoral Researcher, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Umeå, Sweden | |
Hagen, Stephen '06G |
Senior Scientist and Chief Operating Officer, Dagan, Inc., Madbury, NH |
Hegarty, Jennifer '09G | Staff Scientist, AER, Inc | |
Hocking, Daniel '12G | Assistant Professor of Ecology, Frostburg State University | |
Honsberger, Ian '15G |
Postdoctoral Research Scientist, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, ON |
Hopkins, Mary '09G | ||
Houle, James '15G | Research Assistant Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering, UNH | |
Howland, David '06G | Teaching Instructor, Writing Program, Rutgers University, NJ | |
Hunter, Maria '14G | Postdoctoral Researcher, UFMT Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Cuiabá Area, Brazil | |
Iiames, John '06G | Research Biologist, US Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC Adjunct Professor/Research Biology, North Carolina State University |
Ineson, Katherine '20G | Adjunct Faculty, Department of Natural Resources & the Environment, UNH | |
Jarema, Patricia '13G | Lecturer, University of New Hampshire Instructor, Granite State College |
Jensen, Mary '19G | Project Manager, Jonathan Daniels Center for Social Responsibility, Keene NH | |
Jilling, Andrea '19G | Assistant Professor of Environmental Soil Chemistry, Oklahoma State University | |
Johnson, Brad '11G |
Division Chief, Planning and Environmental Compliance, North Cascades National Park, Sedro-Woolley, WA |
Kallenbach, Cynthia '15G | Assistant Professor, Soil Biogeochemistry, McGill University | |
Kessler, Neil '16G | Chairman and President, Moro Corp, Wayne, PA | |
Kelsey, Eric '14G | Director of Research, The Mount Washington Observatory Professor of Atmospheric Science, Plymouth State University |
Kim, Su Youn '10G | Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Minnesota | |
Klein, Emily '13G | Aquatic Sciences Officer, the Pew Charitable Trusts | |
Koenig, Lauren '17G | Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Connecticut | |
Kohli, Brooks '19G | Assistant Professor of Biology, Dept. of Biology and Chemistry, Morehead State University, Morehead, KY | |
Konisky, Raymond '03G | Associate Director, Clinical Quality Assurance at Epizyme, Brookline, MA | |
LaFiandra, Emily '06G | Toxicologist/U.S. Army Public Health Command (Prov) | |
Lai, Tzu-Ling '11G | ||
Leach, Allison '18G | Postdoctoral Researcher, The Sustainability Institute at UNH | |
Levine, Dovev '15G | Assistant Dean, UNH Graduate School Research Associate, UNH Sustainability Institute Staff Fellow, UNH Provost Office |
Lombard Melissa (Smith) '12G |
Hydrologist, U.S. Geological Survey, Pembrook, NH |
Lord, Fabienne '11G |
Certified Environmental Auditor Jr, Vice-president and Consultant, Montreal, Canada |
Lough, John Alexander '08G | ||
MacLean, Meghan '12G |
Research Associate, Harvard Forest, Harvard University, Amherst, MA |
Malik, Mashkoor '19G | Physical Scientist, NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research | |
Matso, Kalle '12G | Coastal Scientist, Piscataqua Region Estuaries Partnership Affiliate Assistant Professor, UNH |
McIntire, Cameron '18G | Plant Pathologist, US Forest Service, Durham, NH | |
Miaoulis, Nancy '05G | Ordained Minster/United Church of Christ, Congregational Church of East Sumner, Maine | |
Mitchell, Clayton '08G | Partner, Revolution Energy LLC - Developing Renewable Energy Lecturer, UNH |
Mitchell, Shelley '12G | Professor of Management & Sustainability and Research Fellow at Hult International Business School, Cambridge, MA | |
Morrison, Eric '17G | Postdoctoral Researcher, Natural Resources and the Environment, UNH | |
Morrow, Penelope '06G | Adjunct Faculty, Women's Studies, UNH | |
Morse, Nathaniel '14G | Attorney, Orr & Reno, Concord, NH | |
Moyer, Pamela '20G | Postdoctoral Adjunct Researcher, Department of Earth Sciences, UNH | |
Nagy, Laura '14G | Independent Scholar | |
Nascimento, Lucigleide '10G |
Especialista em Produção de Informações Econômicas, Sociais e Geoambientais, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil |
Newman, Julie '04G | Director of Sustainability, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) | |
Norton, Ashley '19G | Lead Coastal Scientist, DNREC, Watershed Stewardship Division, Shoreline & Waterway Management Section, Milton, DE | |
Novak, Alyssa '11G | Research Assistant Professor, Earth and Environment, Boston University | |
Nuss, Philip '12G |
Scientific Officer, German Federal Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt (UBA)) |
Ochieng, Caroline '08G | Research Associate, UWA Oceans Institute, University of Western Australia | |
Orefice, Joseph '14G |
Director of Forest & Agricultural Operations and Lecturer in Forest Management and Agroforestry, Yale University |
Osio, Giacomo Chato '12G |
Policy Officer, European Commission, DG MARE |
Ouimette, Andrew '17G | Research Scientist, Earth Systems Research Center, UNH | |
Palace, Michael '06G | Associate Professor, Earth Sciences/Earth System Research Center, UNH | |
Pellerin, Brian '04G |
Chief, Hydrolics Network Branch at USGS, Reston, VA |
Plagge, Amanda '12G |
Visiting Researcher and Lecturer, Thayer School, Dartmouth, Hanover, NH |
Pontius, Jennifer '04G | Research Professor, University of Vermont Research Ecologist, US Forest Service Northern Research Station |
Powers, Arthur '10G | Vice President & General Counsel, JPS Interoperability Solutions, Inc. | |
Rao, Shivanesh '12G | Postdoctoral Research Associate, School of Marine Sciences, University of Maine | |
Rawlins, Michael '06G |
Extension Associate Professor, Department of Geosciences, College of Natural Sciences, University of Massachusetts Amherst and Associate Director, Climate System Research Center |
Read, Alesia '13G | Senior Advisor Assistant Administrator, NOAA Fisheries, Silver Spring, MD | |
Remiszewski, Kiley '20G | Earth and Environmental Science Teacher, Concord Academy, Concord, MA | |
Robison, Andrew '21G | Postdoctoral Researcher, Stream Biofilm and Ecosystem Research Laboratory at EPFL (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne), Lausanne, Switzerland | |
Rodriguez-Cardona, Bianca '20G |
Postdoctoral Fellow, Département des Sciences Biologiques at Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) |
Rogers, Jeffrey '14G |
Adjunct Research Scientist, Center for Coastal Studies, Provincetown, MA |
Rogers, Shannon '11G | Associate State Specialist, Community and Economic Development, UNH Cooperative Extension | |
Russo, Rachel '09G | Scientist, Kleinschmidt Consulting | |
Saavedra-Diaz, Lina '12G | Professor, University of Magdalena in Santa Marta, Colombia | |
Salazar, Melinda '02G | Professor, Western New Mexico University and
Vice President, Seacoast Area Renewable Energy Initiative (SEAREI) |
Salisbury, Joseph '03G |
Research Associate Professor, Earth Sciences, UNH |
Sinacore, Katherine '18G | Postdoctoral Fellow, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panama | |
Smith, Mathew '16G | Research Scientist, Natural Resources and the Environment, UNH | |
Strauss, William '08G |
President, FutureMetrics Director, Maine Energy Systems |
Stephens, Ryan '18G | Postdoctoral Scientist, NH Agricultural Experiment Station, UNH | |
Swarthout, Robert '14G |
Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Environmental Science, Appalachian State University |
Tardie, Peter Sean '10G | ||
Tarr, Matthew '17G | Wildlife State Specialist, UNH Cooperative Extension | |
Traister, Elena '10G | Associate Professor of Environmental Studies, Chair, Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts | |
Treat, Claire '14G |
Research Scientist, Earth Systems Research Center, UNH |
Trubetskova, Irina '10G |
Visiting Professor, VIT University (Vellore), India |
Vadeboncoeur, Matthew '13G | Research Scientist, Earth Systems Research Center, UNH | |
Veysey-Powell, Jessica '14G |
Conservation Biologist Specializing in Wildlife Ecology and the Human Dimensions of Environmental Management |
Vincent, Robert '12G |
Marine Advisory Program Manager and Coastal Ecologist, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sea Grant College Program |
Walsh-Edmond, Jennifer '15G | Postdoctoral Fellow, Evolutionary Biology, Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Cornell University | |
Washburn, Erika '09G |
Director, Lake Superior National Estuarine Research Reserve, Superior, Wisconsin |
White-Jeanneau, Marguerite '08G |
Assistant Professor in the Laboratory Science Program, Northern Essex Community College |
Wilhelm, Jennifer '17G |
Research & Planning Associate, Sustainability Institute, UNH |
Williams, Lindsey '19G | Instructor, School of Marine Science and Ocean Engineering, UNH | |
Yadav, Kamini '19G | Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Animal & Range Sciences, New Mexico State University | |
Yalcin, Kaplan '05 | Senior Instructor II and Assistant Dean of Instructional Programs, Oregon State University | |
York Parish, Katharine '05 | Assistant Professor of Biology, Southern New Hampshire University | |
Zhang, Difei '07 | ||
Zhang, Qingyuan '06G | ||
Zhou, Yong '06G | Research Scientist II, Dept of Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University | |
Zollett, Erika '08G | Senior Marine Scientist/MRAG Americas and Co-leader at Ocean Guardians, Santa Barbara, CA |