RCR Training for Ph.D. Students
As a land-, sea-, and space-grant institution, UNH is accountable to both New Hampshire residents and the university community to ensure the safe and ethical conduct of research and scholarly activity. To maintain its extensive research endeavors and the involvement of undergraduates and graduate students in research projects, UNH has an obligation to teach and actively promote integrity in research and scholarship.
To achieve these goals, the Graduate Council has mandated all incoming Ph.D. students attend RCR training by the end of their first semester. Students may fulfill this requirement by EITHER: Registering for and successfully completing GRAD 930: Ethics in Research and Scholarship or completing a web-based RCR course (see below) AND attending an RCR training session presented by the Graduate School.
Please contact either Dr. Will Clyde or Dr. Julie Simpson with questions about the training requirement or the training session.
- What: Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Training for New PhD Students
- Where: Granite State Room, MUB
- When: Friday, October 25, 2024, 12:30-4:00pm
- Registration: https://forms.office.com/r/sfKWN2TUaW
Via email in August, the Graduate School will provide information to students who need to meet this requirement. Additional information about the training will be emailed to students nearer the session date. Information about the training is also available in the Responsible Conduct of Research section of the UNH Graduate School Canvas site.
Research Integrity Services
Research Integrity Services (RIS) administers UNH’s program for the protection of human subjects in research and the Institutional Review Board (IRB). RIS administers UNH’s program for the humane care and use of vertebrate animals, and the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). RIS also manages UNH’s responsible conduct of research and scholarly activity program, administers UNH’s financial conflict of interest in research programs and the UNH Disclosure Review Committee (DRC), oversees UNH's compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and provides consultation to UNH faculty regulatory groups.
Online Training
Students completing the RCR requirement by attending the training session must complete and certify their completion of a web-based RCR course prior to attending the session. The course introduces content and issues that will be discussed at the session; it's therefore imperative that students complete the course before attending the session.