Writing & Research

The UNH Graduate School offers a variety of events and resources to help students and postdocs in the process of writing and research. From weekly writing groups, to the annual Moorhead Writing Academy, opportunities to compete in national competitions, research communication workshops, and more, we strive to provide our community with the tools they need as they embark on the exciting and, at times, daunting tasks associated with research and scholarship. 

  • Shantel Palacio, PhD Student in Education
    Weekly Writing Group

    "The weekly writing group has been an incredible way to engage with and at times commiserate with fellow students. When you've hit an impasse with your studies and stay isolated, it feels like a mountain that cannot be climbed. The writing groups, not only keep me accountable with structured calendar blocks for study...(1/2)

  • Shantel Palacio, PhD Student in Education

    ...but when I express my concerns, I often get strategies or support from the incredible community of students who have either been there before or are also facing similar challenges. Knowing that I am not alone and am a part of a community of scholars turns that mountain into a small foothill! I am grateful for the support and encouragement I've received from my accountability buddies in the writing group!" (2/2) - Shantel Palacio, PhD Student in Education

  • Jennifer Spillane
    Jennifer Spillane

    "As a doctoral student in the final stages of my dissertation, some of the major challenges for me in the past year of the pandemic have been isolation and a sense of being untethered to any kind of schedule. I started going to writing sessions and retreats set up by the Graduate School to give me something to anchor my weeks and provide structure...(1/2)

  • Jennifer Spillane

    ...They did that, but I was totally unprepared for the support and accountability I also found during these sessions; they became an essential part of my weeks, and without them, I would not have finished my dissertation as successfully as I did.” (2/2)  - Jennifer Spillane, Ph.D. Molecular and Evolutionary Systems Biology

  • Bryan Mascio
    Research Communications Academy

    “I recommend the Research Communications Academy to any researcher — in any field. If we want our research to make a difference, then we need to constantly improve our ability to advocate for it.” - Bryan Mascio, Postdoctoral Researcher in Education

  • Dalton Marsh
    Leitzel Center Awards

    "Competing for the Leitzel award was an exciting opportunity to share my work and see other STEM education research from graduate students around the university. I am very grateful to the Leitzel Center for supporting me as a researcher and for their support of Joan and James’ mission for advancing STEM education." - Dalton Marsh, 2019 Leitzel Award Recipient

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UNH Graduate School Events and Resources

Writing Programs

Register here for Fall 2024!

The Graduate School invites you to join our Weekly Writing Group, a friendly and collaborative way to dedicate time to your writing and get support from peers as they work on their writing as well. Each semester we host two weekly writing group sessions with free lunch at Holloway Commons afterward for all participants. This semester's sessions are Wednesdays and Thursdays from 11:00am to 12:00pm in MUB 338/340. By signing up for either session (or both!) you are committing to the group that you will be there. 

The annual January Term Moorhead Writing Academy (formerly known as the Winter Writing Retreat) offers students a time and place to work on their dissertations, publications, theses and fellowship applications. Multiple community members, including faculty and the Writing Center provide on-site support and resources. Participants are given free lunch and refreshments as well. Registration typically opens in November each year. You can visit the Moorhead Writing Academy webpage to learn more. 

Winter Writing Retreat


The Graduate School offers diverse programming each semester to support graduate students' and postdocs' growth in writing and research. Some of the offerings in Fall 2024 include the Professional Writing Series, the Public Speaking & Science Communication Series, and more! New offerings will be announced in the Graduate School Weekly Newsletter.

Research Communication

The Three Minute Thesis Competition cultivates students’ academic, presentation, and research communication skills. Presenting in a 3MT competition increases their capacity to effectively explain their research in three minutes, in a language appropriate to a non-specialist audience. Competitors are allowed one PowerPoint slide, but no other resources or props. 

The Graduate School facilitates a workshop series designed to help prepare you for the 3MT competition. From brainstorming your presentation content to honing your public speaking skills, these workshops guide you through all the necessary steps for a successful 3MT. More information on the workshop series and registering for the 2024 competition will be shared at the start of the Spring semester.

The Graduate Research Conference is an annual showcase in which over 200 UNH graduate students from all academic disciplines present their work and research over the course of two days. You can visit the GRC Student Research Media Gallery where students upload their GRC research for online viewing. The GRC typically takes place in April each year with registration beginning in February. 


Grab and drink and learn what's going in the local scientific community! You're invited to Seacoast Sips of Science, an ongoing series of events where scientists host meet-ups at New Hampshire breweries and talk about their research! You can check out the event calendar here

Funding Opportunities

There are a variety of award opportunities available through the Graduate School to support and uplift students as they work towards their goals. Available awards include the Dissertation Year Fellowship (DYF), Summer Teaching Assistant Fellowship (STAF), Graduate Faculty Mentor Award, Graduate/Research/Scholarship/Creativity Award (GRSC), and Graduate Teaching Award. Further information about opportunities right here on campus can be found in the Fellowships, Funding, & Awards Available to Grad Students Guide. 

The Graduate School awards travel grants to students who are presenting their research and scholarship at professional meetings. Travel grants are also available to students who are attending professional development workshops and seminars that will enhance their research agendas.

The UNH Joan and James Leitzel Center for Mathematics, Science and Engineering Education awards are presented each year at the Graduate Research Conference (GRC). The awards recognize exemplary STEM education and outreach presented at the GRC. The Leitzel Center will make two awards - one for an oral presentation and one for a poster presentation. You can enter the competition by following instructions during the GRC registration process. 

The UNH Alumni Association Student Grants Committee awards grants to provide funds to UNH students, either as individuals or in groups, on campus for extracurricular activities and/or extraordinary student needs that otherwise would not be provided for. Grant funding is provided by the funds raised from the Alumni & Friends Wildcat Classic Golf Tournament which are directly applied to the J. Gregg Sanborn Enrichment Fund.

Broader UNH Events and Resources


The UNH Library is an essential resource for graduate students. With millions of books, articles, and other media items available physically and/or electronically (as well as through interlibrary loan), the library has something for all members of the UNH community, in any field. Library locations offer wireless Internet access, computer workstations, individual study and collaborative group work spaces, and assistance by knowledgeable librarians and staff. As part of a public university, the UNH Library is open to all. Check out their full list of services to get started.

There is also a handy guide of Library resources specifically for graduate students, as well as an online plagiarism tutorial with helpful examples on what is and is not considered plagiarism.

Collaboration is the core of the Connors Writing Center approach. Together, writer and writing assistant work to brainstorm and find a path through the revision process. The CWC is available to support, assist, help, guide, and learn from writers. Schedule a one-on-one appointment with a member of the writing center team today! 

The UNH Office of National Fellowships provides information, counsel, and editorial support to high achieving students applying for national and international fellowships and scholarships. Their services are available to undergraduates, graduate students, and alumni of the University. Visit the website linked above or email National.fellowships@unh.edu with any questions you have. 

The ability to secure financial support for research and outreach activities is becoming increasingly important. This course is intended for graduate and post-graduate level students who need to write proposals for their graduate work or to gain in-depth understanding of the proposal writing process through class discussions, insights shared by UNH faculty, and by writing a research proposal following the entire process.

This course is designed to enable students to receive information, guidance, and support in applying for the National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship program (GRFP). Students will become familiar with the NSF, its mission, and the selection criteria for this fellowship. Through independent work and collaborative exercises, students will strengthen writing skills and develop a strong application.

The University of New Hampshire Speech-Language-Hearing Center (SLHC) is a premier center that offers a full range of speech, language and communication services to both children and adults. the SLHC also serves as a clinical training program for graduate students in the communication sciences and disorders program.


Research, economic engagement and outreach at the University of New Hampshire, a Carnegie doctoral research university with very high research activity, seek to understand and improve the world around us, with high-impact results that transform lives, solve global challenges and drive economic growth.

The UNH RCR Committee offers training in the ethical and responsible conduct of research three times a year: February, May and October. All incoming Ph.D. students must attend RCR training by the end of their first semester.

RCR group photo


Academic honesty is a core value at the University of New Hampshire. The members of its academic community both require and expect one another to conduct themselves with integrity. This means that each member will adhere to the principles and rules of the University and pursue academic work in a straightforward and truthful manner, free from deception or fraud. The academic honesty policy, including specific sections for graduate students, can be found on the Students Rights, Rules, and Responsibilities webpage.