Health & Well-being

Taking care of your mental and physical well-being is of the upmost importance. UNH and the Graduate School provide a variety of resources to promote a healthy and supportive working environment. We work to ensure that there are clear avenues for seeking help and guidance as you navigate a process that, while highly rewarding, can be significantly challenging and stressful. We are here for you!

  • Mental Health Book by Zoe J. Ayres
    Mental Health in Graduate School

    This book explores the PhD experience as never before and provides a "survival guide" for current and prospective PhD students. The book investigates why mental health issues are so common among the postgraduate population, going beyond the statistics, looking at lived experience. Access the e-book through the UNH Library

  • Well-being wheel
    The Well-Being Wheel 

    The new Well-Being Wheel expands wellness to encompass the roles that the places we live, work, and love play in our well-being. It can be used as a tool to check in with your wellness to better understand what is going well and what may be challenging.

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Open to UNH students, faculty, and staff, UNH Health and Wellness is your source for medical services, wellness education & promotion, and public health expertise on campus. The Grad School and Health and Wellness collaborate to host events each semester specifically for graduate students. Look for upcoming events on the Master Calendar feed above, or click "view all events" to see what's happening throughout the semester!

Students at UNH Manchester should visit the Student Wellness webpage to find information on counseling and other services available to them.

The Granite YMCA offers a Wildcat Wellness option for Manchester students in graduate degree programs at a significant discount! Membership at The Granite YMCA is more than just extracurricular activities. Discover the unique community in your combined campus and all that the Y and UNH has to offer. We deliver comprehensive healthy living, learning, and fun experiences for members of all ages. 

PACS is a team of psychologists, social workers and psychology trainees who are highly skilled at addressing the unique needs of college students, and are committed to enhancing students' ability to benefit from the university experience. If grad school is impacting your mental health, you are not alone. Grad students can go to PACS for urgent same-day counseling, individual counseling and group counseling—grad only groups are available. Learn more about the services offered by PACS.

PACS facilitates group counseling sessions specifically for graduate students to discuss concerns including creating a work/life balance and strategies towards thriving in graduate school. 

SHARPP provides services to victims/survivors of sexual violence, relationship abuse and stalking regardless of gender, age, health status (including HIV-positive), physical, mental, emotional ability, sexual orientation, gender identity, or expression, socio-economic status, race, national origin, immigration status, or religious or political affiliation.

Campus Recreation provides outstanding educational experiences through a variety of recreation opportunities that enhance healthy lifestyles in our UNH community. Facilities include the Hamel Rec Center, Whittemore Center Arena, Swasey Indoor Pool, Outdoor Pool, Outdoor Fields, and Mendums Pond. Programs include Group Exercise, Intramurals, Outdoor Adventures, and more. Access to these facilities are covered by mandatory fees. Students need only show UNH ID to enter.

One of the 8 dimensions of the well-being wheel is social wellness. Your social wellness is supported by building positive relationships and engaging with your community. Keep an eye on the Master Calendar for upcoming social events hosted by the Grad School, and check out the Thrive Guide for other ways to get involved in our UNH community and in the greater Seacoast area.