Research Topic
Ecology and management of furbearers in New Hampshire. Andrew’s research is focused on studying the landscape and community ecology of furbearers, well as evaluating several field and analytical methods to develop a long-term monitoring program.
Marneweck, C.J., B.L. Allen, A.R. Butler, E. Do Linh San, S.N. Harris, A.J. Jensen, E.A. Saldo, M.J. Somers, K. Titus, M. Muthersbaugh, A. Vanak, and D.S. Jachowski. 2022. Middle‐out ecology: small carnivores as sentinels of global change. Mammal Review.
Butler, A.R., A.J. Edelman., R.Y.Y. Eng, S.N. Harris, C. Olfenbuttel, E. Thorne, W.M. Ford, and D.S. Jachowski. 2021. Demography of Appalachian spotted skunks (Spilogale putorius putorius). Southeastern Naturalist, 20(Special Issue 11):95–109.
Jachowski, D.S., R. Kays, A.R. Butler, A. Hoylman and M. Gompper. Tracking the decline of weasels in North America. PLOS ONE. 16(7): e0254387.
Marneweck, C., A.R. Butler, L.C. Gigliotti, S.N. Harris, A.J. Jensen, M. Muthersbaugh, B. Newman, E. Saldo, K. Shute, K. Titus, S.W. Yu, and D.S. Jachowski. 2021. Shining the spotlight on small mammalian carnivores: Global status and threats. Biological Conservation, 255:109005.
Butler, A.R., K.L.S. Bly, H. Harris, B. Inman, A. Moehrenschlager, D. Schwalm, and D.S. Jachowski. 2021. Life on the edge: habitat fragmentation limits expansion of a restored carnivore. Animal Conservation, 24:108-119.
Jachowski, D.S., A.R. Butler, R.Y.Y. Eng, L.C. Gigliotti, S.N. Harris, and A. Williams. 2020. Identifying mesopredator release in multi-carnivore systems: A review of evidence from North America. Mammal Review, 50:367-381.
Butler, A.R., K.L.S. Bly, H. Harris, B. Inman, A. Moehrenschlager, D. Schwalm, and D.S. Jachowski. 2020. Home range size and resource use by swift foxes in northeastern Montana. Journal of Mammalogy, 101:684-696.
Butler, A.R., K.L.S. Bly, H. Harris, B. Inman, A. Moehrenschlager, D. Schwalm, and D.S. Jachowski. Winter movement behavior by swift fox at the northern edge of their range. 2019. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 97:922-930.
Butler. A.R, B. Evans, A. Mortelliti, R. Moll. Forest and snow rather than food or foe limit the winter occurrence of red foxes in the northeastern USA. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Montreal, Quebec, 2022.
Butler. A.R, D. Bergeron, P. Tate. R. Moll. Can we predict wildlife abundance across New Hampshire? University of New Hampshire Department of Natural Resources and the Environment Spring Seminar Series, Durham, NH, 2022
Butler. A.R, M. Poisson, D. Bergeron, P. Tate. R. Moll. Comparing camera traps and track stations for monitoring furbearers in New Hampshire. University of New Hampshire Graduate Research Conference, Durham, NH, 2022.
Butler. A.R, M. Poisson, D. Bergeron, P. Tate. R. Moll. Comparing camera traps and track stations for monitoring furbearers in New Hampshire. Northeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Conference, Long Branch, NJ. 2022.
Butler. A.R, A.J. Edelman, R.Y.Y. Eng, S.N. Harris, C. Olfenbuttel, E. Thorne, W.M. Ford, and D.S. Jachowski.Predation and disease limit population recovery of a cryptic small carnivore, the Appalachian Spotted Skunk. The Wildlife Society Conference, Virtual, 2021.
Butler. A.R, A.J. Edelman, R.Y.Y. Eng, S.N. Harris, C. Olfenbuttel, E. Thorne, W.M. Ford, and D.S. Jachowski.Predation and disease limit population recovery of a cryptic small carnivore, the Appalachian Spotted Skunk. Eastern Spotted Skunk Cooperative Study Group 2021 Virtual Meeting, Virtual, 2021.
Butler, A.R., K.L.S. Bly, H. Harris, B. Inman, A. Moehrenschlager, D. Schwalm, and D.S. Jachowski. Habitat requirements and persistence of swift foxes on the Hi-line. Swift Fox Conservation Team Meeting, Virtual, 2021.
Butler, A.R., K.L.S. Bly, H. Harris, B. Inman, A. Moehrenschlager, D. Schwalm, and D.S. Jachowski. Home range size and resource selection patterns of a recovering swift fox population in northeastern Montana: Implications for statewide habitat suitability and connectivity. The Wildlife Society Conference, Cleveland, OH, 2018.
Butler, A.R., K.L.S. Bly, H. Harris, B. Inman, A. Moehrenschlager, D. Schwalm, and D.S. Jachowski. Northern Great Plains Swift Fox Connectivity Project. 8th Annual Matador Science and Land Management Symposium, Malta, MT, 2018.
Butler, A.R., K.L.S. Bly, H. Harris, B. Inman, A. Moehrenschlager, D. Schwalm, and D.S. Jachowski. Influence of life-history stage, movement state, and resource dispersion on swift fox habitat use in the Northern Great Plains. The Wildlife Society Conference, Albuquerque, NM, 2017.
Butler, A.R., & A. Kovach. Hybridization between rare New England cottontails and common eastern cottontails: Genetic results using microsatellite DNA and implications for conservation of a declining species. University of New Hampshire COLSA Undergraduate Research Conference, Durham, NH, 2011.
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- M.S. Wildlife and Fisheries Biology, Clemson University, 2019
- B.S. Zoology, University of New Hampshire, 2011
Professional Positions
- Research Associate, Clemson University 2020
- Legal Monitoring Intern, The Nature Conservancy New Hampshire 2019
- Research Assistant, Clemson University 2016-2019
- Wildlife Biology Technician, Umbagog NWR 2015
- Carnivore Snow-tracking Intern, Umbagog NWR 2011-2012, 2012-2013, 2015
- Coyote and Fox Research Technician, Fort Drum 2013-2014
- Wolf-Deer Research Technician, U.S. Geological Survey 2013
- Bobcat Research Technician, KY Department of Fish & Wildlife Resources 2012
- Puma Research Technician, CO Division of Parks and Wildlife 2011
- Undergraduate Research Assistant, University of New Hampshire 2010-2011
- Wildlife Biology Intern, Innoko NWR 2010