Clarice Perryman

Clarice Perryman

Research Topic

Peatland/Wetland Methane Dynamics
Clarice's research is on methane dynamics of northern wetlands, including peatlands in the discontinuous permafrost zone, with a focus biological methane oxidation. I use trace gas analysis, incubation experiments, microbial ecology, and redox chemistry measurements to investigate methane dynamics in northern peatlands.

Previous Awards and Activities

  • 2017 Outstanding Student Paper Award, AGU
  • 2017-2018 Harriet Evelyn Wallace Scholarship, American Geosciences Institute
  • 2017 Graduate Research Grant, GSA
  • 2017 Graduate Research Fellowship, American-Scandinavian Foundation
  • 2016 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship

Selected Presentations and Publications

  • Perryman, C.R., N. K. Kashi, C. K. McCalley, A. Malhotra, M.F. Fahnestock, J. G. Bryce, R. Giesler, R. K. Varner. Illuminating Geochemical Controls of Methane Oxidation Along a Gradient of Permafrost Thaw. AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, December 2017.
  • Perryman, C. R., C. K. McCalley, R. K. Varner. Porewater Methane Insights to Methanogenesis in a Temperate Fen. UNH Graduate Research Conference, April 2017.
  • Perryman, C. R., N. K. Kashi, A. Malhotra, C. K. McCalley, R. K. Varner. Permafrost Thaw Induces Methane Oxidation in Transitional Thaw Stages in a Subarctic Peatland. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 2015.


  • M.Sc. Earth Science – Geochemical Systems Specialization, University of New Hampshire, 2017
  • B.A. Geology – Earlham College, 2016

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